1. Secret Room

For those of you that haven’t seen it yet, there’s a secret room. A secret room has become a recurring secret in these chapters, and these rooms all use the exact same formula. You have to find a secret key card to find a secret room, and inside that room, there’s usually a secret mural of a new character we haven’t met yet. That’s come out in future chapters. So, what you have to do in this one is right at the end, before Singon is preparing to do his bamboozled secret plan, you have to go right to the beginning of the game where you have those surgical rooms that you start off in. In the room where you find a hammer, there’s a corner closet that has a green key card in it. If you take that green key card all the way to the end of the game in the tool mark, there’s another secret key card door that only opens using the green key card. It’s found in a space right after that baby chase scene. This is where you find the secret room. Just like all the other secret rooms in the previous chapters, you’ve got the big Garten of Bon Bon mural on the left side, a new character in the middle, and a whiteboard with a bunch of scientific writing on the wall. You can also find the final case report here as well. On one of the whiteboards, we also see who’s immune to Sir Dadu’s control. We already knew about Stinger Flynn and Jumbo Josh—too smart, too dumb—but we also learned that Slow Seline is too fast to be affected by it. We’re not told why, but the new character and Zus are also unaffected.

2. The New Character Brista

The secret room is the first time we actually see what Brista looks like, but it’s not the first time we’re told about Brista. Brista is what you get when a mommy paintbrush and a daddy anteater have a baby. Based on the beret on its head, you can tell that this is a pretty creative mascot. Also, when you go into the hallway of the theater, you can see that the posters showing previous plays have been directed by them. But that’s not the only thing about Brista.

3. The Underground Family

Over the last few chapters, we’ve been teased with this image. It’s a purple wall that’s slowly being stripped away as it becomes more clear. We’re introduced to a new mutant character. With the release of the trailer for Garten of Bon Bon 8, it tells us more of a story. This mural on the wall is being referred to as the underground family, kind of like the predecessors to the ones we know of now. Within that family, we’ve seen a lot of the villains we’ve met so far, including Brista, but more importantly, including Bon Bon. It seems as though this crew was the original family of mascots, but they were all failures and had to permanently not be presented to children. Rather than disposing of them, they’ve just been tucked way deep in the facility. That’s why we’re meeting them now.

4. The Scepter Piece

Basically, the entire game of Garten of Bon Bon 6 is about finding the scepter piece. Once you realize the scepter has been stolen by Singon, you think that Garten of Bon Bon 7 will be about finding that. But did you know that you can actually find that centerpiece literally in the first few minutes of the game? When Singon takes you into that surgical room with all the wires on the ground, there’s a disc on the left side. If you’re curious and look around there, you can see the center of the scepter piece sitting right there underneath the desk. It’s not hidden somewhere secretive or anything like that; it’s just lying there. You can even interact with it, but you can’t take it because you get a notification saying it’s not yours to take.

5. YouTuber Cameos

They really stepped it up this time with the YouTuber cameos. Even though I was in the last chapter, I really liked what they did here. In this chapter alone, there are a total of 10 cameos from YouTubers, and they all play Jaum citizens. They really diversified this time and got some non-English-speaking YouTubers. I was particularly impressed with FusionZGamer’s performance because I didn’t even realize it was him. I thought it was a professional voice actor. If you go into the credits of the game, you can see all 10 of the YouTubers, who they are, and what they played as.

6. The Impossible Combination

Do you remember this memorization puzzle right before the slug baby monster comes to kill you? Did you know that you can actually finish it? I had a sneaking suspicion that you could do this during my playthrough. Right after the puzzle showed itself, I actually pressed the right button. It did make me think that maybe there’s an order you can press that’s correct. Then I found a YouTuber called FoxPlay that did do that. You can go through the entire order of the pattern, but there’s unfortunately nothing good that comes from it. You’re still destined to be doomed by the baby big monster from Resident Evil, but I thought it was kind of cool that you can actually go through with it.

7. The Secret Message

There is actually a secret note in the classroom that you can’t pick up but can read by zooming in on it. It’s a note sitting on the desk right in front of the Juven Infant. It states: “Dear Father, I have been taken captive by a crazed creature. If I don’t make it out of here alive, please know that I am appreciative of all you’ve done for myself and the others. This message has taken a lot of effort to write as I have no hands to write with. At least be proud of that, please.” We know that the Juven Infants refer to Singon as their father, and he’s designed them in a way so that they are very loyal and devoted to making him proud. But another reason why I found this quite interesting is because it almost sounds like it’s coming from the perspective of a child that we’re looking for. We’re presumed to be the father of the children we’re looking for, and they’ve been captured by a crazy creature as well. So, maybe this parallel was designed so that we feel empathetic towards Singon and his children as well.

8. Singon’s Secret Voice Lines

Once you go off on your mission to find Jumbo Josh, Singon stays exactly where he is. If you come back to him and talk to him, he actually gives you some secret voice lines. These voice lines are pretty nuts because they give us so much lore. I’ll summarize it for you: He reminisces about a time when Sir Dadu was in his prime, someone with incomparable ambition and dedication. Eventually, a certain event happens where the mutants down here are captured, most likely when the people running the facility decide that the underground family are permanently not ready to be presented. In the process of being imprisoned in the lower levels of the facility, Sir Dadu is betrayed by Singon. Singon also explains that Sir Dadu is after the people who betrayed him, which are Singon and the people who created this facility—not necessarily us. He also explains how the scepter originally was a prop made for Queen Bounia. Singon actually did the experiments which gave it the powers to control people. It imprints the mindset of the person that’s holding the scepter on the victims, and that’s why Sir Dadu can control mascots.

9. Singon’s Eyes

While you play the game, Singon has been programmed so that his eyes constantly follow you. But this also happens while you’re not even in a room with him. As you go on your journey to find Jumbo Josh in the city of Sinon, he’s still watching you. If you take your drone all the way back to that wiry surgical room where he initially tells you about the mission, you find this terrifying version of Singon with his eyes rolled backwards. This is probably the closest version of hellish Singon we’re ever going to see, but it’s pretty damn scary. This actually gave me a mini jump scare when I was playing the game.

10. Flumo

There’s a massive plot twist that happens at the end of the game. Spoiler warning now: We are introduced to an alternative blue Bon Bon that’s hiding behind a sticker of the red Bon Bon on the family wall. We even get to see this Bon Bon in the trailer for Garten of Bon Bon 8. So, who is this guy and who’s the real Bon Bon? First of all, if you dig into the game files, you can see that this blue Bon Bon is referred to as “Original Bon Bon.” Even though this is most likely just a placeholder name, it’s a pretty damn specific placeholder name for a character that important. Then, when we look at the underground family’s mural on the wall, we don’t see the blue Bon Bon; we see the red one. This essentially tells us that the blue one was the original one that’s meant to be presented to children, and the red one is the one that’s meant to be shunned and imprisoned in the lower levels of the facility. Have we been tricked this entire time? Did the red Bon Bon put stickers of himself over all of the murals of the blue one throughout the facility, making it seem as though he’s the main character, when in reality the actual main character is the blue Bon Bon? In the trailer for eight, Bon Bon also insinuates that he basically shoved the blue one in the closet, hiding him away so that he can do anything he wants. But here’s another fun theory: Not so long ago, the Euphoric Brothers released something called “The Chronicles of Bon Bon,” a behind-the-scenes sneak peek of how the game was made. In there, they tell us that Bon Bon was originally called Flumo. Could this be a nod towards this original version of Bon Bon? Is his name Flumo and they just teased it to us right to our faces?