Huge Plush Toys

Should You Buy Huge Plush Toys for Kids?

In my distant childhood, big soft toys were a rarity. The only big teddy bear I had was brought by my dad from one of his business trips. The bear was about seventy centimeters tall.

For me, it was too big and heavy. Most of the time, the bear sat on the shelf. Gloomy and lonely. For good behavior, mom sometimes brought it down for me. But playing with it was not fun.

Now, small plush toys, that’s another story. I had Teddy, Bunny, and Elephant. You could dress them up, take them on sleigh rides, feed them, heal them, and put them to sleep. It was with them that I enjoyed playing the most.

When my daughter turned 4, a family friend gave her a big plush dog. The dog had sad expressive eyes and shaggy ears. The daughter immediately climbed on its back. She jumped on it a bit, and that was it. She lost all interest in the dog. So, the dog lay in the children’s room on the nightstand until my daughter grew up. Then we gave it to some friends who had little children. Huge plush toys are not cheap. In stores, prices start from 2 thousand rubles and go up to 6-8 thousand. Is it worth making such purchases? Only three reasonable uses for such toys came to my mind.

1) Toy – Nursery Decor If you have a large spacious nursery, it’s very cute to place big plush toys in the corners. They fit right in there. It’s nice to invite guests into such a room, and even when you enter it yourself, you immediately feel like you’re in a fairy tale.

Great? Yes, but for adults. But what about the child?

2) Toy – Luxurious Gift If you’re visiting respected people and they have a child, it’s appropriate to give a huge plush rabbit or cat. A significant gift! It’s immediately clear that you’re a decent person who spared no expense. Such a gift will definitely make you stand out among the other guests.

Nice? Probably, yes, but will the child be happy about it?

3) Toy – Prop for a Photoshoot If you have the idea of taking beautiful photos of your little one, then large plush toys will come in handy. Such photos will delight you for many years. Agree, a child hugging a huge bear looks very cute. And sometimes adults also want to immerse themselves in childhood and do something cute to remember.

Good idea? Maybe yes, but again, it has nothing to do with the child’s desires.

Reflecting in this way, I came to the conclusion that it’s absolutely not worth buying huge soft toys for children.

A toy should first and foremost appeal to the child themselves. And not just occupy them for a couple of hours upon introduction, but become a true favorite, something to which they attach their hearts.

Small plush bears or bunnies accompany us for a long time, even after we’ve grown up. They move with us from city to city, travel in suitcases and travel bags, become confidants and pillows for tears, serve as a talisman and a piece of our lost childhood.

What do you think? Do you have large plush animals in your house? Do your children like them? And if the child has already grown up, what happened to the toy?

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