30-33 cm Elmo Cookie Monster Plush

As we all know, with the improvement of technology, China’s toy market is extremely fast, which also creates a variety of styles in today’s toy market. But despite this, plush toys are always able to get a place in the world of children, why is this?
In this regard, I deliberately did a market survey. Through the survey found that the vast majority of consumers for plush toys for the first impression is still teddy bears or very similar plush toy bears. And for those mild or even heavy plush toy enthusiasts, they have at least two, or even more plush toy bears.

About this phenomenon, I think there are mainly the following circumstances. First of all, the image of plush toys is very cute, especially plush teddy bears, their shape can be said to be completely naive, so that children will have a sense of peace of mind when they see it. A safe and reliable appearance is very seductive to small children who have not yet reached adulthood.

Secondly, the smooth feel of plush toys, I repeatedly mentioned in previous articles, we try to buy plush toys from the formal channels to choose to buy. Take five star toy, our plush toy fabrics are through multiple processes, repeated processing before the final product, so such plush toys often feel very smooth, and the safety factor is very high.

The third point is that the use of plush toys can be said to be unlimited. Plush toys do not have site limitations, you can put a cute plush toy in any corner of the house, or even in the car, on the bag, wherever you want to decorate a cute plush toy can be placed. This also makes plush toys very much in demand in real life. At the same time, plush toys can also appear regardless of time, plush toys do not have spring, summer, fall and winter and day and night only points, as long as you like you can have a smooth feel at any time of the day, the shape of the lovely plush toys!

Of course, the above reasons are very important part, however, I think things are not so simple. As I told you in a previous article, a good stuffed animal can bring a sense of security to a child, a sense of security that can be slowly integrated into the child’s life, replacing the sense of security given by the increasingly busy parents. At the same time, a comfortable plush toy can also replace the warmth of the mother’s embrace, to give the baby a cozy environment, all of these conditions make us at a very young age on the plush toys have a very good impression. Over time, when we grow up to be adults, we will naturally go to buy, or to buy a cute plush toy for their babies!

Finally, I think the success of plush toys can not be separated from each of the toys for the doll market and the struggle of the toy people, they use their own hard work and endless brainstorming to continue to develop, digging the potential of plush toys, so that plush toys are constantly updated to adapt to the market. Finally, let’s work together to build more lovely plush toys to accompany the world’s babies grow up happily~!