The Unbreakable Plush Toys – A Healing Method for Adults?

Plush toys, traditionally associated with children due to their adorable appearance, have found a special place in the hearts of adults.


In today’s high-stress society, everyone is carrying their burdens, seeking outlets for emotional release. Some turn to electronic meditation devices, others find solace in temple meditation, and some opt to care for lively pets like cats or dogs. However, for some, the ultimate healing method involves owning a plush toy.

A netizen shared that her 25-year-old sister asked her to bring a teddy bear when she was going on a business trip. Puzzled, she questioned whether there was a need for other souvenirs. Surprisingly, her sister sent a magnified image of the specific teddy bear, emphasizing the importance of not buying the wrong one. Recalling their childhood, where they were avid fans of plush toys with a variety of characters like Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Pikachu, and unnamed but adorable ones, she realized their mutual affection for these toys. As they grew older, interest waned, and many were either given away or forgotten in storage. However, to her surprise, her sister rekindled the love for collecting plush toys in adulthood.


The irresistibly cute appearance of plush toys has captured the hearts of adults, who see them not just as toys but almost as living beings.

One netizen mentioned bathing her plush dog and rabbit regularly, applying shampoo and bath gel, and then rinsing them. Afterward, she would dry them on a radiator and use a brush to groom their fur. In her view, plush toys deserve their own clothing and daily necessities. Initially considered eccentric by friends, she even joined a plush toy detox group on Douban, hoping to break free from this attachment. However, contrary to expectations, she ended up purchasing a plush toy shaped like an eggplant after joining. The so-called detox group was filled with posts of failed attempts. Plush toys were used for marriage proposals, as birthday gifts, and to impress elders, deepening people’s affection for them.

The netizen shared that when feeling anxious or sad, she would hug her plush toy, sit in a corner of the couch, doing nothing, allowing herself to relax. It felt as if a powerful force supported her, and when she regained composure, the soft touch of the plush toy swept away all negative emotions.


Many people have a special plush toy, perhaps kept since childhood, still needed for a good night’s sleep.

One person mentioned receiving a panda plush toy from their mother during a business trip as a child, and at 17, it accompanied them to college and then work. Despite a plastic nose falling off and being sewn back on, the plush toy became even more adorable with time.

The cute appearance and comfortable touch undoubtedly make plush toys appealing to young people. However, their ability to alleviate loneliness and stress is the fundamental reason adults cherish them.

Research has shown the effectiveness of plush toys; simply hugging a teddy bear can significantly reduce the existential fear of individuals with low self-esteem. Plush toys provide unconditional love and acceptance, soothing anxiety and encouraging a positive outlook on life.