Bam Bam
If Bam Bam is your favorite, you’re someone who still believes in the good in people, even when they seem devilish. You have a hopeful side and see potential where others might see only darkness.

Choosing Bambolina means you’re likely a teacher’s pet or have a soft spot for younger, impressionable characters. You might be an eight-year-old boy who admires her, showing your appreciation for nurturing figures.

Jumbo Josh
Fans of Jumbo Josh are drawn to big, strong characters and enjoy imagining they might be nicer than they seem. However, it’s important to note that Jumbo Josh isn’t as friendly as he looks—his intimidating presence and blood-stained hands suggest otherwise.

Pilla Bird
If Pilla Bird is your favorite, you either found him to be the most frightening or the most annoying character in the game. His impact on you is significant, whether it’s through fear or irritation.

Captain Fiddles
If Captain Fiddles stands out to you, you may feel that he deserves a larger role in the game. His current irrelevance bothers you, and you might enjoy fiddles, especially in your favorite color.

Finger Flynn
A preference for Finger Flynn suggests a fascination with sea life. Your interest might be a blend of attraction and repulsion, reflecting a complex relationship with aquatic themes.

If Bite is your choice, his initially bloodthirsty nature might have sparked an unexpected interest in befriending him. You might be drawn to characters with a darker edge but hidden potential.

A Peel
Choosing A Peel indicates a desire for companionship, perhaps with multiple characters. You wish you could have them all, highlighting your affection for these characters.

Fans of Celine often love snails and enjoy watching Empty Perry. If you prefer Celine, you might also appreciate the slower, more methodical pace of characters in your favorite media.

If you prefer Gary from SpongeBob over other characters, it means you’re more of a fan of his personality than that of similar characters in other franchises. Your tastes lean towards classic, well-loved characters.

If Zolpheus resonates with you, he reminds you of Ambush from the game Doors. Your enjoyment of Roblox horror games suggests you appreciate characters with a similar mysterious and eerie vibe.

Start to Bird
Admiration for Start to Bird reflects your appreciation for characters who show protectiveness and care for their family. You value loyalty and a sense of security in your favorite characters.

If Nadalina is your favorite, you enjoy fictional romance, even in unusual contexts like between starfish monsters. Your taste leans towards cute and imaginative storylines.

Mr. Kebab Man
A liking for Mr. Kebab Man shows an appreciation for inanimate object characters. While it may seem odd to some, you find charm in these unique figures, highlighting a distinctive preference.

Tamataki and Tamataki
If you favor Tamataki, you likely have a preference for one of the heads over the other. You might also have a pet that resembles Tamataki, reflecting your unique tastes and personal connections to the character.

Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed the video. Comment below with your favorite Garden of Batman character and remember, everything is meant to be light-hearted. Personally, I like Jumbo and Stinger—they’re both pretty cool, and I definitely appreciate the snail.